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grovfi 19




July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 Novemeber 2004 December 2004

January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 Novemeber 2005 December 2005

January 2006 February 2006
March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006

Sunday, September 03, 2006

it's been really long ehs.
haha!! been busy as ever. *much sighs.

Anyhow, ive a fairly fruitful wkend! ;D In all and every single sense. Yes, it's been a good weekend. (: well, ive been using dad's car these days.

From driving back home from school after trngs,
driving bru home from tuition,
driving to work on saturdays,
driving parents to work, (dad parked his car at the office,thus the chance of me driving another car!)
to driving mommy to the market!
and so did i drove to my cousin 21st birthday celebration ydt alone! Damn,the freaking narrow roads, where performing 3 point turns are simply necessary. Plus the place its more than ulu LAH! Dad drove mom n bru in another car.

Thankfully! managed to find the place somehow. Much thnks to my beloved street directory. =D

and did i mention, I DON'T KNOW KNOW TO TEAR PARKING COUPONS!!! ha! those 50cents, dollar parking coupons. ha! damn funnaye yet stupid enuffs.

Then agn,ive much to learn. Far from being expert yet! ya,dude?! much more to learn from you. Well, was suppose to be at track camp over the weekends but i failed to attend due to the grand celebration, so much so being a good cousin i am. hoho.

so, drove back home today morning. Prettaye tired due to mahjong the previous night. Rather, we had mahjong marathon till 5am in the morning and 3 hours of sleep was much well apprecated for the drive this morning.

ohoh!! dad install a speed limit detector in the car.
Guess u know the reason whys. hoho!


9/03/2006 05:22:00 PM

Sunday, July 30, 2006

It's almost over. Other then 4x400m. It is hard to find real words to truely say,but it has been an amazing isg. so much more than amazing. I can't find the right words. the adrenaline, the pressure, the race, the team , the cheering, the ending line and not forgetting my superior that was more than willing to fetch me all the way from jurong island all the way back to school. Thanks for all. It seems so surreal. yet one thing for sure, that though this chapter slowly comes to a close, the memories and experience will last more than forever,

thankyou to all of you who have encouraged me all the way, it meant so much to me in crucial moments.

to my team that fought hard and truely give EVERYTHING they had in them, you're all wonderful. the courage and fighting spirit, the willgness to take up and face the challenge, to overxome mental tests, to hold your head high despite defeat and to win graciously and wonderfully. i cannot say how proud we are.

and neither can i put them into words, how much i will be missing all of you after graduation.


7/30/2006 02:34:00 PM

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

It's final


Im a proud licensed driver from ubi.




6/28/2006 08:38:00 AM

Saturday, June 17, 2006


i've been abandoning blogger for - (right, Shao? )like said by so many - sorrysorry! but i can't seem to straddle the fine line between self-indulgently interesting and self-indulgently boring. that, and the lack of eventful things to blog about. yawn.

Sometimes i like to think that the things ahead will be better. like perhaps something good will be waiting for me after all this. i know it wont come anytime soon.

But i guess i'll have to wait and see. i don't want to try any more. i'll just wait passively and just wait. sometimes there is no point of trying and pushing so hard when he effort you put in the more disappointment you get.

the truth like i told you there is no more obligation, no more string attached. not that there was in the first place. but i guess now the line's been drawn even clearer, even more sharply such that we don't take advantage of the bluriness of the original line. and it is somethins new i muct get used to

for you are not obliged to me nor am i to you.

i happened to visit friendster after so long.

everyone is becoming so done-up and nice and pretty. rawrr. on days like mine. i know i am .....

i'm tired of alot of things and i feel like giving all up. like why should i care anymore. or why should i keep doing this or that. say work, it's enough...working 7days a week aint an easy task.

it's hard because i dont wnat to say alot on such on a public blog but yet there is a part of me that yearns to be heard. however fears to be seen in a different light, a fear of another added imperfection to the already long-enough list.

perhaps it is being fake in a sense, a lack of transparency. but perhaps this is just how i protect myself...from i don't know.

what would be nice would be a sweet surprise.

So much so ive not updated on attachments at The Polyolefin Company. Everyone thought i was cruising the place!!

okay so heres the update;

Well said by Mr Tan, it's s so male - dorminated company, the only females there are all in their early 40s or late 50s. People like the admin clerk, coffee auntie to toilet cleaners are the only ones.

I felt so outcast. so every. every single day.

and some psychotic guy scared the hell out of me, he would check out my name and says something which i don't even realise it for my entire 19+ years of living. Eeks. and everytime i see him, i would runs. and boon being so good, would somewhat inform me of his being. WTF.

and again, i would only look forward to 4.20pm, that's when i get changed and knock off. and at times, we would make the effort to meet up with Dennis be it at jurong east or jurong point for dinner.



This is what i do when i get deprived of retail therapy.

soo pretty. but it's only available on urbanoutfitters. suuuper nice!

enuff said. Im super duper broke!

Someone please make kind donation to poorgirl association..ur kindness will be appreciated! sms to ****7741


6/17/2006 02:57:00 PM

Monday, June 12, 2006

The weather has been shit ass weird lately. Just last Friday, it was again a super sunny day which saw everyone in tank tops, tube tops, board shorts flip flops and the works.and yesterday the sudden wham bam, it started hailing WTF. Spoiler weather.

It was quite a crzy training today i must say. right from the warm up. runs like goodness-knows-what. prolly it due to me that i havent been trng. haha!! :) oh i think i am good at thinking of strengthening stuff to do. it's preetaye amusing.

you know i think we have something special as a track team since they're the people i interact most with. it's like a family sort of feeling. where you can just be yourself. whether good or bad moon, it always end up with comforting form of happiness. you come upset and just the routineness of everything and the light-hearted laughter makes everything look fine afterall. and if you need to go crazy, there's always someone who'll go crazy with you. and its just like that, and its enough isnt it? (:

SO yes! i went back to school for training after so lonnnggg and i managed to bump into Mr Quek (my sixth sense was damn accurate la!) when he's driving down that particular steep slope (knocking off from school) while i was running up. *beams* (leetheng must be cursing me now!) hohoho!!!! I went like,"Mr Quek!" (thnks God, he had his windows down, Phew~) but all he said was "aye!!"

Tho that was prettaye disappointing, but he got me fasten my running pace! Although the mind was willing too but somehow the flesh was weak. ha ha!!

To my surprise, he actually drove back to look for me and we managed to catch up a little with regards to my attachments and stuffs. :) it was all funnaye was he's trying to drive at the minimum speed while i tried damn hard to speed up. haha!!! and chatting at the same time...

Dudes, he finally gotten himself a CAR! damn i was too in gross in my runs that his plate number just slipped of my mind. Grrrr!!!!!!!!!

Oh! did i mention that i bumped into Mrs Chua ( our previous maths lecturer)together with his son and mom on Sun at my workplace.

and Ronnie and SK too

sheesh, i am bumping into too many familiar faces these days. O_o


6/12/2006 09:41:00 PM

Saturday, June 03, 2006

sweet lil things.



6/03/2006 11:40:00 AM

Great Singapore Sale!!!

the great singapore sale starts last week(??), and boy does it get vicious. especially around the branded stuff.

going to a guess sale is like watching vultures at a feeding. you see a crowd of fat, sweaty tai tais bumping each other out of the way as they grab up bags and wallets by the fistful; thin office women with a stern look who slam into you with the sharp edges of their bulky handbags then flirt off to snatch that yellow dress without so much as an apology; the men who wait on the sidelines, bored and safe and amused as they watch their girlfriends and wives dive into the mess of piles of brightly coloured clothes and emerge with a triumphant smile and some guady cloth made into the shape of a paper-tissue thin skirt.

sales are all fine and good, but the people are exhausting. they're so focused on getting a bargain they don't care who gets in their way; everything is fair and game until you're clutching your prize in your hand with a death grip and a death glare to match.

girls, it's just clothing. if it's ugly and gaudy, no matter what brand it is and how cheap it gets it'll still be ugly and gaudy. there is a reason why most of those clothes are on sale.

Smart arse dudes.


6/03/2006 10:31:00 AM

Friday, May 12, 2006

Girl's thing

somebody please.


5/12/2006 08:29:00 PM

load of nonsense
too many times, i come to this page typing a whole load of nonsense that comes from nowhere but the inner voids of my somewhat incoherent mind. incoherent, because maybe this prolonged period of prosaic listlessness has me rendered devoid of the ability to form proper sentances. or, incoherent because just too many thoughts are racing to speed out the cathartic avenue the world calls blogspot.com.

in the end, the work produced by my rushing fingers is left redundant because everything gets deleted anyway.

it's like how a diary is merely a cathartic avenue of your inner whatever, and yet you don't want people to know about your inner whatever. so in the end you delete everthing and end up blog hopping so you can ignore your own perturbing paradoxical psyches and infiltrate into other people's inner whatevers.

please excuse the vocab. (what the hell is an inner whatever?!?)

so to let you in on a seemingly infinitesimal insight of my own inner whatever...

i have a wish list.
it's long and reading through it will take you on an arduous journey.
i have a wish list.

it ranges from,

i wish i had a car license


i wish m came home


i wish i will receive my ipod video tml.


i wish things in my - werent the way they are


i wish i could say the things that people say are better left unsaid.

and i could go on and on,
but what did i tell you?
it's gonna be an arduous journey.

so, it's kinda pointless. it gets delected anyway, so why bother?

since a week ago in a friend's bike, i've been left with this overwhelming blast from the past, warm-fuzzy-wuzzyness which is a kind of rarity for my mildly misandrist self. so will Ronald McDonald Please Stand Up and wave his ridiculously red hands as i holler a loud I'm Lovin It! :)

abit of randomness here...

A few serious thoughts hit me these few days. Ah, such things hit me and well superme is not much of a thinker. But sometimes you do think about whether you should think. I mean, sometimes just going with the flow isn't exactly the smartest idea in town.

Haha, nope, don't intend to talk about it.

Yesterday was pretty fun. I was just damn bloody tired. But well, never spoil the fun, so it's still all fun. Beams. Days when you should just head out to the streets and get knocked down by a truck. Well, I was trying to mean live fast, die young. Haha.

I was telling my dad that I wanna sign up for drawing lessons at NAFA, and specifically charcoal. He almost whacked me. "You still don't get it that art schools are money suckers?" Haha. He insists that he can just teach me. But anyhow, Let's see if it's productive.


5/12/2006 10:49:00 AM